Gospel of Zarathushtra, The

Apart from few scholars and devotees, the modern public are unwilling to spend time on reading through the whole of the lengthy Scriptures of the world. This Series is planned to offer them in a cheap, handy and attractive form the essence of each of the world's great Scriptures, translated and edited by one who has a deep and living sympathy for each of them.

Gospel of Peace, The

Apart from few scholars and devotees, the modern public are unwilling to spend time on reading through the whole of the lengthy Scriptures of the world. This Series is planned to offer them in a cheap, handy and attractive form the essence of each of the world's great Scriptures, translated and edited by one who has a deep and living sympathy for each of them.

Gospel of Peace, The

Apart from few scholars and devotees, the modern public are unwilling to spend time on reading through the whole of the lengthy Scriptures of the world. This Series is planned to offer them in a cheap, handy and attractive form the essence of each of the world's great Scriptures, translated and edited by one who has a deep and living sympathy for each of them.

Gospel of Israel, The

Apart from few scholars and devotees, the modern public are unwilling to spend time on reading through the whole of the lengthy Scriptures of the world. This Series is planned to offer them in a cheap, handy and attractive form the essence of each of the world's great Scriptures, translated and edited by one who has a deep and living sympathy for each of them.

Gospel of Islam, The

Apart from few scholars and devotees, the modern public are unwilling to spend time on reading through the whole of the lengthy Scriptures of the world. This Series is planned to offer them in a cheap, handy and attractive form the essence of each of the world's great Scriptures, translated and edited by one who has a deep and living sympathy for each of them.

Gospel of Islam, The

Apart from few scholars and devotees, the modern public are unwilling to spend time on reading through the whole of the lengthy Scriptures of the world. This Series is planned to offer them in a cheap, handy and attractive form the essence of each of the world's great Scriptures, translated and edited by one who has a deep and living sympathy for each of them.

Golden Rules of Buddhism, The

From the Preface:

The too prevalent ignorance among even adult Sinhalese Buddhists of the ethical code of their religion leads me to issue this little compilation. Similar moral precepts exist by hundreds in the Buddhist scriptures; where, also, all the present quotations will  be found in the places indicated. They should be committed to memory and practised by parents and taught to their children, especially when the latter are being educated under anti-Buddhistic influences.

Gods in Exile

The following pages are based on an awakening of Ego-consciousness which came to me some little time ago. It brought with it knowledge which - though it came me but a single moment- has taken many days to realize and many pages to describe.

Foreword  by J.J. Van Der Leeuw 

Giordano Bruno

Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) was described by Hegel as a 'comet that flashed across Europe', Uncompromising in his commitment to truth, this profound philosopher and religious reformer incurred the wrath of the Catholic Church for his attacks on Aristotelian logic and his championship of Copernican cosmology. He taught with magnificent eloquence the immanence of God who is Universal Life; the eternity of the Spirit, being part of the Universal life; and based on these two facts, a life dedicated to the True, the Good and the Beautiful.