Space, Time and Self

It is the author's thesis that all life's problems arise from three illusions which were drawn over mankind at the beginning of history when the Solar Deity seeking to manifest drew over himself three limitations giving rise to three primary illusions of space or objects existing in space of dimensions, Time as succession of events and Self as separated existence.


It is the author's thesis that all life's problems arise from three illusions which were dawn over mankind at the beginning of history when the Solar Deity seeking to manifest drew over himself three illusions  giving rise to three primary illusions of Space or objects existing in space as dimensions, Time as succession of events and Self as separated existence. 

Brahmavidya Vol 84 year 2020

Dedicated to Dr Kunjunni Raja

Commemorations: Baba Nanak His life and Legacy, Constructive Programme in Gandhi's life, Rajendra Prasad's suggestions-A 'companion'  to M.K. Ganhi's Constructive Programme,  J.Krishnamurti: A loved spiritual Teacher of the 20th Century,  Aspects of the Divine Feminine in the Devotional Poetry of Subramania Bharathiyar, 

Hidden Life in Freemasonry, The SC


It is once more my privilege to usher into the world, for the helping of the thoughtful, another volume of the series on the hidden side of things written by Bishop Charles W. Leadbeater. True Mason that he is, he is ever trying to spread the Light which he has received, so that it may chase away the darkness of Chaos. To look for the Light, to see the Light, to follow the Light, were duties familiar to all Egyptian Masons, though the darkness in that Ancient Land  never approached the density which shrouds the West today.