Be A Lamp Unto Yourself

Conclusion by the Author;

After giving serious thought to all this, please do whatever you like. I am not a teacher who has the truth to impart, nor do I believe that there is a particular teacher who revealed the truth and that my business is to infuse into your minds his teaching. I am only here to tell you from a critical scholarly point of view what the various religious texts books and teachers have said.

Basic Theosophy

Today there is a growing dissatisfaction with the sterile mechanical framework that has come to dominate our lives. In this book, Geoffrey Hodson returns to us what we unconsciously gave up when we chose to purchase a culture of material production! The philosophy is not a dreamy world-negating doctrine but rather affirms the divinity of the universe, the immortality of the soul of man and the ultimate unity of creation with the absolute. This is the ageless wisdom told of in Vedas, Puranas, and Upanishads.


Through immensely long ages or Kalpas, climbing steadily the ladder of evolution, the Liberated Ones merge with eternal Life. Within them burns the flame of love for everything that exists. It is they who, from time to time, descend into manifested forms (avataras) to accelerate the course of evolution. So says Annie Besant, who had a profound knowledge of Hindu religious philosophy and tradition, while answering the question: 'What is an avatara?' and in a series of four lectures delivered in 1899.

At the Feet of the Master Min Edn

In this apparently simple book whose teachings have touched thousands of hearts, the challenge is in Living those teachings, thus the need to heed every word. The book is one of the three theosophical classics which are invaluable to aspirants on the spiritual path, the other two being The Voice of the Silence and Light on the Path.