In His Name

This little book is meant for all aspirants. It says; When you train yourself to be a effective worker, you will have the opportunity to help in serving he word 'In His Name'.

The world of reality is like the atmospheric pressure around us which we feel only when we make a vacuum; when we step out of ourselves, then the real world steps in.

I Promise

This book is addressed to young people who have chosen to tread the spiritual path, and emphasizes the need for Bright Looks, Brave Words, Joyous Thoughts, and Knightly Deeds in their lives. The author, C. Jinarajadasa, himself grew up under the influence of such Theosophical concepts, an writes in an attractively simple style for the young. 

I Promise

This book is addressed to young people who have chosen to tread the spiritual path, and emphasizes the need for Bright Looks, Brave Words, Joyous Thoughts, and Knightly Deeds in their lives. The author, C. Jinarajadasa, himself grew up under the influence of such Theosophical concepts, an writes in an attractively simple style for the young. 

Human Regeneration

Theosophists and would -be Theosophists are all united by a common devotion to the Regeneration of Man. They may differ in their convictions, interests or approach. The teachings of Buddha, Jesus, Blavatsky, Besant, Krishnamurti or some other teacher may inspire some and not others. But there is a strong common bond, namely profound concern for the progress and perfection of humanity, not merely at the material and intellectual levels, but also morally and spiritually. 

Human Regeneration

Theosophists and would -be Theosophists are all united by a common devotion to the Regeneration of Man. They may differ in their convictions, interests or approach. The teachings of Buddha, Jesus, Blavatsky, Besant, Krishnamurti or some other teacher may inspire some and not others. But there is a strong common bond, namely profound concern for the progress and perfection of humanity, not merely at the material and intellectual levels, but also morally and spiritually. 

Human Interest

The complexity of modern society is so great that many individuals feel lost and insignificant. In this collection of essays, former President of the Theosophical Society, N. Sri Ram, discusses the many aspects of the life of the individual human being which are of vital significance. Some of the subjects dealt with are: "The Other's Point of View', 'Happiness', 'Youth', 'Love Conquers All Things', 'Peace and Goodwill', 'Beauty and Art'