Technique of the Spiritual Life, The

More and more Souls are seeking inwardly, trying to find the way to divine realization. It is man's destiny that one day he must learn to plunge into the mysterious depths of his own glorious being, for only there is to be found true wisdom and the real power to help. This mounting human need is being met on all hands today by numerous occult and mystical schools of thought, some of them sincere and true, and some less wise and not well -informed. It is to try to do my small part in helping this rising tide of seekers of Reality, wherever they may be , that I have written this book.

Teachings on Discipleship

A Textbook of Theosophy is an ideal primer for the student of Theosophy. It suggests that Theosophy comprises the best of religion, science and philosophy. The book presents a concise, clear description of the evolution of human beings and the solar system, and describes the divine inner nature of each one of us. Moreover, through discussing reincarnation and the purpose of life, it leads us to understand the after-death state.

The book urges us to rise to the highest good within us; 'God is Good, man is immortal, and as we sow, so we must reap.'

Teachings on Discipleship

In this book, Mr S.S. Varma has collected and presented in a suitable form inspiring and illuminating extracts on selected topics from The Mahatma Letters and Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom. 

Mrs Radha Burnier writes in her foreword: 'Mr Varma has done great service in bringing together time-tested instructions and advice about the life of the disciple in the light of Theosophy, which is the wisdom of the ages. All serious aspirants seeking the way to the world of Truth and Light where dwell the Great Souls or Mahatmas will find this book of interest.'

Talks on the Path of Occultim Vol III

A Textbook of Theosophy is an ideal primer for the student of Theosophy. It suggests that Theosophy comprises the best of religion, science and philosophy. The book presents a concise, clear description of the evolution of human beings and the solar system, and describes the divine inner nature of each one of us. Moreover, through discussing reincarnation and the purpose of life, it leads us to understand the after-death state.

The book urges us to rise to the highest good within us; 'God is Good, man is immortal, and as we sow, so we must reap.'

Talks on the Path of Occultim Vol II

A Textbook of Theosophy is an ideal primer for the student of Theosophy. It suggests that Theosophy comprises the best of religion, science and philosophy. The book presents a concise, clear description of the evolution of human beings and the solar system, and describes the divine inner nature of each one of us. Moreover, through discussing reincarnation and the purpose of life, it leads us to understand the after-death state.

The book urges us to rise to the highest good within us; 'God is Good, man is immortal, and as we sow, so we must reap.'

Talks on the Path of Occultim Vol I

A Textbook of Theosophy is an ideal primer for the student of Theosophy. It suggests that Theosophy comprises the best of religion, science and philosophy. The book presents a concise, clear description of the evolution of human beings and the solar system, and describes the divine inner nature of each one of us. Moreover, through discussing reincarnation and the purpose of life, it leads us to understand the after-death state.

The book urges us to rise to the highest good within us; 'God is Good, man is immortal, and as we sow, so we must reap.'

Talks on the path of Occultism Vol III

A Textbook of Theosophy is an ideal primer for the student of Theosophy. It suggests that Theosophy comprises the best of religion, science and philosophy. The book presents a concise, clear description of the evolution of human beings and the solar system, and describes the divine inner nature of each one of us. Moreover, through discussing reincarnation and the purpose of life, it leads us to understand the after-death state.

The book urges us to rise to the highest good within us; 'God is Good, man is immortal, and as we sow, so we must reap.'

Talks on the path of Occultism Vol II

A Textbook of Theosophy is an ideal primer for the student of Theosophy. It suggests that Theosophy comprises the best of religion, science and philosophy. The book presents a concise, clear description of the evolution of human beings and the solar system, and describes the divine inner nature of each one of us. Moreover, through discussing reincarnation and the purpose of life, it leads us to understand the after-death state.

The book urges us to rise to the highest good within us; 'God is Good, man is immortal, and as we sow, so we must reap.'

Talks on the path of Occultism Vol I

This book is one of a trilogy, being commentaries on three classics-At the Feet of the Master, The Voice of the silence, and Light on the Path -  considered the mystical gems of Theosophical literature. They shed light on the deep significance and far-reaching implications of the perennial teachings embodied in these three classics whose subject matter is the path of inner transformation and spiritual realization. 

Supreme Splendour, The

The Supreme Splendour reveals highly metaphysical and profound ideas relating to Divinity, the source of all existence. It also describes some of the processes by which universes come into being. The successive phases of their emanation such as the darkness before dawn, the dawn itself , the emergence of light, the formation of worlds, the descent of the divine 'seeds' or Monads who inhabit them, evolution and its consummation- all these are expressed in lucid language with the hope  that a measure of the truth behind the words will be conveyed to the reader.