Pathway to Perfection, The

In this book, which is a successor to his earlier work, Meditations on the Occult Life, Geoffrey Hodson communicates the essence of the teachings of Theosophy on the path of swift unfoldment. It gives us some understanding of he whole process of man's evolution to a sate of perfection. The reader  glimpses the opportunities, difficulties, pitfalls and ups and downs of the entire journey from Man to Superman. 

Pathway to Perfection, The

In this book, which is a successor to his earlier work, Meditations on the Occult Life, Geoffrey Hodson communicates the essence of the teachings of Theosophy on the path of swift unfoldment. It gives us some understanding of he whole process of man's evolution to a sate of perfection. The reader  glimpses the opportunities, difficulties, pitfalls and ups and downs of the entire journey from Man to Superman. 

Path of Discipleship, The

In these four lectures Annie Besant traces the path of discipleship through perceptible and subtle milestones. The experience that is gained by action done for self-gratification could be elevated to a dutiful performance of rites and ceremonies for the settlement of karmic debts, which in turn could ascend into a joyful sacrifice that accomplishes union with the Divine. Control of mind, meditation, and building of character, qualifies the aspirant to receive the revelation of the Teacher.

Path of Discipleship, The

In these four lectures Annie Besant traces the path of discipleship through perceptible and subtle milestones. The experience that is gained by action done for self-gratification could be elevated to a dutiful performance of rites and ceremonies for the settlement of karmic debts, which in turn could ascend into a joyful sacrifice that accomplishes union with the Divine. Control of mind, meditation, and building of character, qualifies the aspirant to receive the revelation of the Teacher.

Pain-Its Meaning and Use

This illuminating lecture by the great servant of humanity, Annie Besant, points out how the evolving soul is educated by pain to understand the Laws of the Universe, the links between cause and effect. Pain roots out desire and turns the soul inward to the eternal.

Then comes the realization that pain does not arise from outside; it tells of inner weaknesses. It is an instrument for the soul to use on the path of perfection and wise service.

Outline of Theosophy, An

This little book offers a valuable introduction to theosophical philosophy. It is conveniently divided into chapters on important topics such as the human constitution, reincarnation, death, the past and future of humanity, and what Theosophy does for us. It offers beginners a useful foundation for their studies and may provided a helpful framework for those holding introductory classes on theosophical teachings.

Outline of Theosophy, An

This little book offers a valuable introduction to theosophical philosophy. It is conveniently divided into chapters on important topics such as the human constitution, reincarnation, death, the past and future of humanity, and what Theosophy does for us. It offers beginners a useful foundation for their studies and may provided a helpful framework for those holding introductory classes on theosophical teachings.

Our Relation to Children

Preface: As this pamphlet is published now in India, I should perhaps preface it with a few words of explanation. It was written many years ago, and much of what it contains, especially in its earlier pages, refers to conditions then prevailing in the great English boarding-schools. Many of them have not changed much even now, but a more rational spirit preponderates and the old abuses are no longer found.

Original Programme of the TS., The

Two important statements of Madame H.P..Blavatsky, Co-Founder of the Theosophical Society- one about the Society, its real objects and the purpose and another about the Esoteric School of Theosophy(then called the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society)- appear together in this booklet. In addition there is a valuable introduction by C.Jinarajadasa, fourth president of the Theosophical Society.

Opening of the Wisdom Eye, The

This important book by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama gives an authentic account of the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. It is hoped that its publication will contribute to a greater understanding of Tibetan culture. 

The main part of the book is preceded by a short account of the spread of Buddhism in Tibet, also written by His Holiness. The whole range of Buddhist teachings as practised in Tibet is expounded with great clarity, yet with brevity.