Nature of Our Seeking, The

Mr. N.Sri Ram, the author of this book, was International President of The Theosophical Society for over 20 years over the period 1953-73. He brings to his writings a background of eastern wisdom combined with keen awareness of modern thought and knowledge, as well as a sensitive understanding of human problems. His special felicity of  style enables him to convey profound ideas in a lucid and absorbing manner.

Nature of Nature, The

Philosophers,poets, mystics and artists have, at all times throughout history, communicated valuable insights into the nature of Nature.

Dr Klostermaier's work is a comprehensive study of the diverse dimensions of Nature that emerged in different cultures. It builds bridges between the natural sciences and the humanities, and stimulates reflection on issues considered important by many previous generations, and which ought to be thought through anew in our own times. 

Nature of Memory, The

Three illuminating essays on the mystery of memory make this book invaluable. Two of them are by Dr Annie Besant, well-known reformer and spiritual teacher, and the one is by Madame H.P. Blavatsky who presented afresh the Ancient Wisdom to the modern wold. Many illustrations are given of memory arising from the deeper levels of consciousness: and the mysterious process of the dying brain recalling past experiences is discussed. Everyone interested in psychology, the powers of consciousness and the depths which the human mind can reach, will find this study fascinating. 

Natural Theosophy

The author has brought Theosophy back where it belongs, to our own life and experience. This is a pragmatic approach and analysis of Theosophy- unfettered by occult, spiritual, clairvoyant and other projections.

Natural Theosophy

The author has brought Theosophy back where it belongs, to our own life and experience. This is a pragmatic approach and analysis of Theosophy- unfettered by occult, spiritual, clairvoyant and other projections.

Mystic Experiences

This title is currently out-of-print.

Digital copy of this title is available free-of-cost, to download, from this page. See link below.

Title was published first in 1928 , in Indian Bookshop, Varanasi, Theosophical Society Indian Section.

1st Adyar Edition, print version is under consideration.

Mystery of Life and how Theosophy Unveils it

Clara M Codd was born in England in 1876. Early in life she rejected conventional thought. Rebelling against all oppression and injustice, she plunged into the Suffragette Movement. Her meeting with Col. H.S.Olcott, President-Founder of the Theosophical Society, proved a turning point in her life. She let go an assignment in the Women's Social and Political Union to work for the Theosophical Society. A lecturer for the Society who travelled widely, she spoke and wrote with intimate understanding of various aspects of life.







Music Forms

This book records the results of certain clairvoyant investigations carried out by Mr. Geoffrey Hodson on the effect produced by music upon adjacent matter of the superphysical world.

Eight compositions, including Handel, Bach, Mozart, Haydn and Wagner were studied and the results are recorded here in words and colour.

Mr Hodson"s observation arising from his clairvoyant research were carefully taken down while each performance was proceeding , and to these descriptions pictures were produced by artists later.